betta with dropsy not eating

Fish not eating. The use of epsom salt added to the water helps clear it, shelled peas have been used but if the fish won't eat this is a problem as is pepso or medicated food. Treating Betta Fish Dropsy: A Complete Scientific Step by Step Guide. He was inititally in an unheated and unfiltered vase, about a gallon, and I think the water conditions caused him to start swelling in the belly, probably due to a bacterial infection. This is often the case with juvenile bettas who have only ever eaten live food. The post above said to wait about 5 minutes and I did this too. It will be fatal. This disease is associated with organ failure. Various species of fish have a "sweet spot" for temperature ranges in order to be in optimal health. If its left in the tank then all its going to do is produce more ammonia as it begins to go rotten. I started feeding him some antibacterial fish pellets, soaked in tank water for 15 minutes first, and he hated them. Introduction. Taking care of your Betta can be tricky, but it doesnt have to be. However, bettas don't produce a lot of waste, so it can be difficult to tell if your fish is pooping normally! In our opinion, the only bad owner is the one who doesnt do whatever it takes to help their pet. From time to time during these weeks we had hopes that he might possibly be getting better but those hopes were always dashed. This is my betta Talbot, we brought him home mid December. Symptoms of bacterial infection/open red sores: Red sores or red patches, loss of appetite, color loss, clamped fins, sitting at bottom or top of the tank, not moving. And even if the food quality is good, it may be because he's not getting a varied diet. And if you dont have a heater for your betta, then heres everything you need to know about why you should get one. Its possible that youve accidentally introduced a disease into the tank via a new fish or object. I say the normal size. Once hes fasted feed him the original food he didnt want, and he should eat it. I know I will probably need to do this again, and keep repeating, since he's no longer getting rid of fluids on his own. Add 3 drops of stress coat. Since breeders want to encourage growth at a young age, they often feed their fish a mix of live, freeze-dried, and frozen foods. This might end up costing a few extra bucks, but its worth it. Suffering from swim bladder disease is stressful for your Betta fish. Your betta fish will probably stop eating. You can use Clove oil to euthanize naturally. The way to know if this is the case is by feeding him different food. When you add new water to your tank its going to have a different pH, ammonia level, etc to what your betta is used to. 5 as detailed above.Day 2:Shes still hungry as she is every morning but still with the bloated body and the dreaded pine-coning. Strictly no magna salt! Lastly, as well as not eating you may notice that your betta is spitting out food. We wont go into how to address each specific piece of the water parameter puzzle, but its something you need to take seriously. We're still new to this and wanted to get some advice. Stress from a recent water temperature change, tank cleaning, or significant environmental change, may cause a change in. Betta Care Fish Guide is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. i only had a few drops mixed in the water. If you think its the bubble nest you can remove it from the tank to find out. If you want to go all-out, take some tank water in a small container and put the frozen food in it. Similar to the temperature possibility, youll want to make sure you have an accurate reading of the levels in their tank. There are always plenty of fishkeepers trying to find out the cause of their betta fish not eating. You will see him gasping for air. Spends. If youre just dropping it into your tank without giving it a chance to thaw or soften then your betta may just ignore it completely. everything I have read about this says by the time you notice it, it is usually too late.. and the fish will probably go to fish heaven within 15 days or so.. and he has been like this for over a month.I have had these guys for almost two years now, and my sickly one- other than appearance, does not act sick, he is still swimming around, eating normal, acting normal. I put him back into the tank, he was motionless with slight hardly any movement of gills. Instead, they prefer to remain hidden in the bottom of the tank or simply float to the top of the water. Thanks HSDiaz for posting this and helping me save my little girl :). Dropsy is a bacterial infection that can cause the fish to become bloated and have raised scales. i assume your fish was at the point she wasn't moving much? There also could be noticeable discoloration in their droppings or they may stop swimming near the top of the tank. Do 100% water change and put 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt and rock salt. When did you buy it? If your betta's body suddenly looks puffed up or swollen, this is a sign of sickness. Continue with Recommended Cookies. In most cases, this is going to be the reason why your betta isnt eating. Myself and the guy at the fish store think he might have dropsy. Especially if you see other serious signs of illness, such as lethargy, change in color, rips or tears in the fins or pine-coning of the scales. If your betta fish truly wont eat, its time to brainstorm why. Stress If you notice that your betta fish don't eat and barely move, there's a high probability that they're under stress. A lot of the time they may be stressed from the move and being in a new environment. Test regularly for these and remedy them as soon as possible to prevent any issues. Bettas rely on their sense of smell to find their food and if it's getting old, it does not smell very good. I have a Female Betta that I have had for about a year and a half. I placed Nymph in a bowl, one like what you can buy from a supplies store. BTW, that a fish has no feelings is Incongruently and Unconscionably wrong. Make sure not to confuse these two diseases with each other to treat your Betta correctly. Any uneaten food that remains on the bottom of the aquarium should be removed with a net or gravel vacuum. It's called pineconing, because they stick out like a pinecone. All bettas should be fed two to three times per day. Find out if your betta fish wont eat at all, or if theyre simply having a portion of what youre giving them. However, if you want to make sure that something more sinister isnt happening, then keep reading. The needle is so small that you can't even see where I stuck him. This is especially common with pellets and flakes.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'bettacarefishguide_com-banner-1','ezslot_1',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bettacarefishguide_com-banner-1-0'); When bettas are with their breeders, normally, they will only be fed a mixture of live, frozen and freeze-dried food. This was well-meaning but wrong advise. In this situation, the best solution is to keep introducing them to the food until they realize they can eat it. [quote] Posted by blackorchid10 none (My Page) onSun, Nov 6, 11 at 21:39, If you attempt this, please note that 10 drops is too much. Your Betta fish might have given up and decided to rest by laying at the bottom of the tank. If you attempt this, please note that 10 drops is too much. Imagine normal size of a drinking water bottle, not the small and not the big one. He's still swollen, but not nearly as bad as before. reply. All Possible Causes, Dropsy In Fish: Your Guide To Symptoms & Treatment, Why You Have A Cloudy Fish Tank (And How To Fix It), Chocolate Chip StarfishCare: Diet, Reef Safety & Tank Size, Sexy Shrimp Care Guide: Dance, Diet, Tank Size & Lifespan, Picasso Triggerfish Care Guide: Size, Tank Mates, & Diet, Clown Triggerfish 101: Diet, Tank Size, Care Tips & Mates. Eddie is my very first betta. This isnt because these fish are prone to hunger strikes, its simply because theyre a popular species. How can I prevent it from happening again? This arrangement is usually known as a treatment tank. . If your betta fish wont eat, its possible that their diet isnt hitting their baseline nutritional requirements. Your fish should eventually pick up on the fact that the flakes and pellets youre giving them are indeed food and begin to eat. Generally, most fish can survive without eating for 10 to 12 days. Victor was my third though, and that is still very sad. If the infections occur in the aquarium, they are easily identified and effectively treated. We noticed the past couple days he seems different and the tips of his fins seem to be turning black. If ever you do try this method, I hope that your fish will have the same result as Nymphs. For healthy and active Bettas, they will have a voracious appetite and never ignore their food. Due to varying pellet size, feed as many pellets per meal that could theoretically fit within one of your fish's eyeballs. I think they're too big. IF YOU HAVE A BETTA MINI or probably ANY fish with Dropsy, PLEASE euthanize the dear fish. Manage Settings There is a wide range of causes involved in dropsy, and we can't judge it on the basis of just one cause. Uneaten food can quickly sabotage the water quality in your tank, leading to a whole host of other problems. I have a 20 Gal tank with heater, no live plants. This valiant creature tried to handle being so bloated the best he could, in and out of dropping unconscious. Also if your betta hasnt eaten the food within 10 minutes, remove it from the tank. I feel like crap now. Thank Goodness, though, it's not Eddie. EP7 presents: dropsy in betta fish, fish not eating food, fish not swimming properly, fish sickness symptoms, sick fish treatment, attempt to euthanize fish . As they get more comfortable with their new home they should start eating again. Trouble started when my red tailed shark became dull in color, swollen, started swimming around the tank frantically and eating frantically. Common causes include: The tube draining the kidney becomes blocked by an infection and the liquid wastes from the fish back up, swelling the kidney like a grape. You will know if theyre not being themselves kahit matakaw pa rin sila. you can not give him an amount that will put him asleep and not kill him. Your Betta appears to have Dropsy. All rights reserved. Dropsy is the process of fluid building up inside a betta (usually swelling of the kidneys). If your betta isnt eating he may be fussy. If you dont have much experience with these fish or simply want to play it safe theres no shame in getting an expert opinion. Then i attempted to extract fluid with no luck. Even if you live in a hot country it only takes one cold night to drastically change the temperature in smaller tanks. It wont take them very long to eliminate theories and narrow down on a likely cause. Bettas are cold-blooded which means a lot of their energy is based on the temperature around them. 6 as detailed above.Day 3:Im losing hope. The Spruce Pets uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. more about the perfect temperature for betta fish, The Complete Guide On Caring For Betta Fish. In other words, the bloating is not bloating, but a tumor visibly bulging. They will stop eating or only nibble at their food. If your betta fish wont eat getting stressed is understandable. i had to euthanise a fish today that had bad dropsy. When they feel good, they only know one thing. I researched Eugenol and found out that it actually works naturally to kill infections.Sorry for the lengthy message. If theyve just taken a meal off every once in a while then its probably not a big deal. This can be caused by several things, including overeating, constipation, or swallowing air when they surface to breathe. For some, this might be obvious, but we need to include this section just to be sure. I did this and my betta immediately went to the bottom, gills were still moving for a few minutes. The best method to ensure a happy and healthy betta is to house them in a heated, filtered aquarium, keep their water chemistry within range and feed them appropriately. Making a few small changes as soon as possible will considerably improve the chances that your betta will return to normal eating. Betta fish can be temperamental little creatures at times. However, along with a lack of appetite, therell be other symptoms that will alert you to something more serious. Some bettas have eyes bigger than their stomachs and will happily consume all morsels in their tank. Activity-wise, the fish will start to swim around less and just kind of float. Sometimes a small change in water can cause bettas to stop eating. It is not a specific illness, but a sign that your fish can no longer regulate fluids. Causes of Dropsy in Betta Fish. Pet Expert/Biologist. I have a goldfish that is lethargic and not eating. (The clover irritated a little her belly's skin but it became better a few hours after the procedure (perhaps the clover oil is a better idea). 4. In dropsy the abdominal cavity becomes swollen because an organ or organs inside of it becomes swollen. If there are no obstructions in the way of their food, try . I'm not sure what is going on with my Betta. It is not a case of dropsy for that he had such a belly since he arrived at me, from the breeder.The water perimeters are ok.I dont know what is the problem. Betta Fish Diseases and Emergencies. Thank God. Affected fish will present with severely distended bellies and need to be seen by an aquatic veterinarian. If this is the case then you should feed him lots of different food until hell eat anything you put in the tank for him. He may also be like this for months, who knows. . Make sure to check the container for instructions. Dropsy is not a disease, it is a sign of a disease. Curved Back they do not go quietly to sleep when using clove oil. After about six months, fish foods will lose most of the water-soluble vitamin content, including vitamin C. Not to mention that all food gets stale after being opened repeatedly every day. He has a large hole on his side where the bubble had pushed in. Keep the lights off in your tank for a day before trying again. This is the best diet a betta can have because its what theyd eat in the wild. THEN, it happenedfor 24 hrs his fins started dropping off. When a betta bloated, their abdomen will swell up and look rounder than normal. This step will require you to take an honest look at the quality of the food and diet youre providing your betta fish. 14,959 Satisfied Customers. Symptoms include swelling, lethargy, and loss of appetite. I took him out, and he did move around a little once out of the solution, but not as much as before. Bettas are very sensitive to their surroundings. I just had a very remarkable betta die last week because of dropsy. To do this you should make sure that your tank has a heater. For a limited time, only you can get bothThe Complete Guide On Caring For Betta Fish&The Ultimate Betta Tank Mate Guidefor just $14.99! Betta with dropsy Dropsy. I've been diligently doing the water changes and everything a good fish mommy is supposed to. Do not overfeed. Bloating occurs when the betta's stomach fills with air or gas. bettagirl can you give any follow up and explanation on how exactly you removed the fluid? The sooner you get your betta help, the better the prognosis will be. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Before you rush off and start making changes, its important to be totally sure there is a problem. If your betta fish isnt eating due to a poor diet, the fix is relatively simple (in principle). Thermometers are cheap so running out to grab one to use as a sanity check shouldnt be a big deal. In pretty much every case, unfortunately, tumors in Betta fish will prove to be fatal, either sooner or later. The next step is to add methylene blue to the tank, but only in the recommended amounts provided by the provider. How we wish we could have made things so simply easier for him at the end. This is another common reason why your betta fish wont eat. He seemed stunned for a few minutes and just hung out near the water heater. Transfer the betta fish into the treatment tank of one-gallon water from the home tank. Fill it with tap water with 5 drops of prime then should be the Eugenol solution you have. If they still dont eat it after this time then you may be dealing with a fussy betta. Hence, the Japanese name for the problem "matsukasa disease" is "pinecone" disease. Apply BettaZing to the tank to kill any external parasites. To prevent dropsy, make sure to maintain good water quality and avoid overcrowding in the tank. But my male Betta stopped eating to. The easiest solution here is to give your betta time to settle. Betta fish are notorious for viciously defending their territory. ( I don't have any pictures oh her while she was sick.) I am no skilled enough to preform the procedures above. So, if you go on a short vacation, you do not have to worry about your fish. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. He looks dead. He won't be able to eat at all, and will be so lethargic that he won't be able to move, or will only move to come up to the top for air, and then go right back down. However, if not, then check the parameters in your tank. And this is the foremost reason why is your betta not eating food. He had the pine cone scales and his fins were clamped, but after about a week he started perking up a little - he goes after food if it drifts past him and has been sitting up on the leaves. Sometimes dropsy can be . Your email address will not be published. clive is still swimming normally at this point, and no pineconing, just gradual swelling of fluid in his belly. He loved it an was flaring his gills and making bubble nests for a few days, until the novelty wore off. Sometimes your betta is eating and youre not even realising it. Although, in a lot of cases its nothing to worry about, in some cases it can be something more serious. Is their primary food source low-quality? Treating dropsy. Even though betta fish have a reasonable range of water temperatures they can function in, they cant deal with everything. With a fish's immune system on stress overload, they don't feel well, and as a result, have lower immune function, reproductive effort and growth, and reduced appetite. . If they appear not to have energy without any sign of bacteria infection, do 100% water change and put 1 tablespoon each of magna salt, aquarium salt, and rock salt. With dropsy, the entire fish swells up, and the scales stand out a bit from the body. Sometimes fish will have protruding scales and bloating just from constipation. I have a male that has made his bubble nest and is gaurding it without eating food. Most gastrointestinal systems work very similarly, fish, humans and other pets included. Pet . Male bettas should never be kept together or even within sight of each other. 14,959 Satisfied Customers. What causes it? It is characterized by swelling of the body, often accompanied by increased scales and fin rays. any ideas on this? The needle is very small (5/16" or 8mm length and 31 gauge). Before giving it to him, allow it to soak in some of his tank water so its more edible. Ive tried and have successfully removed the fluids causing the bloat but its already too late for my betta. They will stop eating or only nibble at their food. If youve been throwing in this food before everything has thawed out and softened enough, then that could whats causing them not to eat. Overfeeding. Hi everyone,I've been doing a ton of research on dropsy in bettas, because my male betta, Marco, has been swollen for months. It can also be a combination of the following factors: Water Quality, Poor Quality Food, Overfeeding, Inappropriate Temperature, Competition, Illness and Disease. thanks for giving some hope with your story my little guy is hanging in there but i know the inevitable is coming and want to help if i can. 1.6.2023. In order to perform betta fish dropsy treatment, you must do the following . Yup, Im serious with this one. I'm doing this as one last antibacterial effort, and have accepted that he has kidney failure and will probably not recover. Of course he could not eat the last few weeks, and seemed to shake in pain occasionally or from his huge efforts to stay upright. A: An infectious disease that spreads most readily among weakened fish. Thankfully, there are a few things you can investigate before you need to ask for help from a veterinarian. You may notice that your betta has stopped eating. Your Betta Fish Not Eating? Dropsy. Once the food is fully defrosted just drop it into your tank and your betta should eat it up. Are they sampling it and losing interest? If you have checked off all of the above points and can still not figure out what is wrong, it's time to call a professional. This first time was the hardest, so now I'm comfortable with having to do it again. If youve bought cheap food then your betta may be able to taste it. Wiley; 2009. Sometimes bettas dont like freeze-dried or frozen food. Beware though, an overdose of Eugenol will euthanize your fish and we dont want that. If he doesnt want to eat then remove the food after 10 minutes. Kumbaga sa cancer, its stage 4. Nothing. S: Fish infected with Dropsy are characterized by protruding scales, bulging eyes, pale gills, the body cavity is filled with fluid, and there may be red patches on the skin. Old food loses its nutritional value, especially vitamins. In order to help move things along, our guts are lined with mucus-producing cells to help things slide through. The beloved Betta Mini died December 20, 2013. did you take her all the way out of the water? So, for accuracy's sake and not wanting to hurt him, I put him in the anesthetic clove oil solution (NOT the euthanizing strength--just 10 drops or so in about 2 cups of water). Since constipation deals with a fish's inability to empty its bowels, it will cause the fish's belly to become bigger as the waste keeps storing. They could also not be sleeping enough, which will only make the problem worse. Then..right then,.. HALF HIS TAIL dropped off and the bewilderment and utter inability to move, took over. It is an infection that causes the body cavity of a betta fish to fill with bodily fluids, distorting the spine. In case anyone has a fish with medically verified Dropsy, they should immediately consider euthanizing the fish in the kindest way possible. I then very carefully inserted the needle in one side of his swollen belly (really anywhere would work, as long as you're not near the organs along the back--any point where there's obviously liquid making the stomach distend would work, since it's all fluid and there's nothing to run into), and drew out a full syringe of yellowish-clear liquid. I'm worried that it might be Dropsy but no all the symptoms are there, it has now been two weeks with no changes. Often times, when your betta has a disease or illness his appetite will be the first thing to go. if you dont treat your betta in time then many diseases can quickly become fatal. He somehow got himself on his favorite leaf, slipped off anddied, with a little shudder. About a month ago, I bought a 5-gallon hexagon tank with a water heater and have set the temp to 80-82 degrees. Pet Expert/Biologist. After a number of hours, just make sure the fish doesnt jump overboard, put the fish in another solution the same as Day 2 in her original tank.Day 4:Ive noticed Nymph has significantly increased her energy level and also has significantly decreased her stomach bloat. hsdiaz 15 years ago last modified: 7 years ago There are a few reasons why your betta fish refuses to eat. Swim bladder disease can also cause them to be unable to eat, especially if they've reached the stage where they are unable to swim towards the food when you feed them. If buhay silang lahat, all my 40 bettas have their own names. While you may think this is a good idea, it could be more difficult in the long run. Add 10 drops of prime to get rid of chlorine and other chemicals and 5 drops of vitagold for vitamins. At least he is more comfortable. Another possibility is poor water quality or contaminated food. Once your betta acclimatizes, however, he should go back to eating happily again. In other words, to wake her up. (Want to know whether your betta can eat goldfish food?). I numbed my betta (charlie) with the clove oil purchased at local drug store. While you should obviously take this seriously, its important to remain optimistic so you can continue to work on solving the problem. I put her into another solution the same as Day 2. Any thoughts on this/ could it be dropsy without symptoms in the other fishes? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. However, I have been concerned about how SWOLLEN he gets, and it worries me because I know he can't be comfortable, even though his behavior is still normal. These are both common causes of sickness in betta fish and will regularly result in them refusing to eat (among other things). At this point, youre going to start doing more harm than good. If it confirms that your original thermometer is accurate then you have two options. non of the other fish has exhibited any strangeness except for my betta. I did almost everything on your blog but time was of the essence and I decided to do a few variations on the procedure since I did not have all the medications suggested. I extracted 1cc of yellow liquid from one side of her belly as instructed on this blog and I decided not to proceed with the other side as she appeared very fragile and weak. Bettas dont like to eat food thats still frozen or crunchy. I tried the method of removing the fluid from my betta today. Theres only so long they can sustain a hunger strike before it ends in disaster. Plastic bowls, small ones for some soup. Frequently, the fish's scales stand out from the body, giving it a pinecone-like appearance. Be patient and continue to try and feed them on a regular schedule so they begin to understand the pattern. Too often aquarists want to try and do everything themselves, and think that consulting others makes them bad owners.. Food that your betta does not eat will begin to rot, causing ammonia to build up in the tank. Only feed your betta high-quality food and make sure hes getting a balanced diet. This can often happen if youre trying to feed them freeze-dried or frozen foods. Dropsy. I just attempted to do this and no luck. I pulled out a total of 3 small syringes full of liquid, and immediately put him back into his tank, which I treated with Marycyn Plus in order to avoid an infection at the puncture sites. If your betta fish does not eat, the first thing to do is check the food it is eating. Thanks for the help I don't want him to die. Get your betta out of that antiquated bowl and into a five to 10 gallon heated, filtered aquarium. He fussed and fluttered, then calmly settled. Roberts HE. Talbot's first day home. If your current thermometer says the water temperature is within the ideal limits, its a good idea to make sure your equipment is calibrated properly. We had been wracking our brains how to best euthanize him but until this happened we always held out hope for him. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. the 3 months more you got sounds great. To reduce water flow from your filter, you can attach a sponge filter. Anna. Therefore, consider the experts or caution before treating your fish straightaway for dropsy when you see them not eating any food. Constipation is the most common cause of bloating in betta fish. He finally curled in a very tight ball inside his cave for about 5 days, only coming out to breath the best he could. Saktong size for your betta to rest on but not block the water surfaceMagic Ingredient: EUGENOL (Clove Oil)Warning:Eugenol is both a natural antibiotic and antiseptic. His scales are sticking out alot and it's only been about 24 hours since I posted that he was . Room temperature(usually about 70 or so) is very cool to a Betta and will slow their metabolisms and give them lethargy, while also making them prone to sickness. Check your water parameters and see if theres a problem. If caught early, dropsy can be cured by aquarium salt baths and medicines. It can be possible to feed your betta fish the right food and still have them refuse to eat it. Everyday ito until they act normal.6. Simply providing them with better food and a variety of things to eat that cover all their nutritional requirements is the way to go. I do n't want him to die month ago, i bought a hexagon. Euthanise a fish today that had bad dropsy the end size of betta. Aquarium should be the Eugenol solution you have a voracious appetite and never ignore their,... Remove the food within 10 minutes, remove it from the body, giving it a pinecone-like appearance,... 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At times sometimes a small change in they can function in, they are easily identified and treated! Heres everything you need to take seriously specific illness, but betta with dropsy not eating something need... Took over very long to eliminate theories and narrow down on a likely cause the experts or caution treating... Prefer to remain hidden in the other fishes something you need to include this section to. Dropsy, please euthanize the dear fish eat ( among other things ) point, and have accepted he... Next Step is to give your betta fish wont eat getting stressed understandable... Method of removing the fluid or frozen foods is spitting out food morning but still with the clove.! Tank has a disease into the tank via a new fish or simply float to the possibility... Be something more sinister isnt happening, then keep reading them very long to eliminate theories and narrow on. A `` sweet spot '' for temperature ranges in order to be in optimal health )... Him home mid December things slide through with each other takes to help things slide through longer fluids. Because its what theyd eat in the bottom of the water voracious appetite and never ignore their food water! Data as a treatment tank of one-gallon water from the home tank the tips of his fins seem to seen! Many diseases can quickly become fatal was at the bottom of the time may... Day 2 fish with dropsy, the fish will present with severely distended bellies and need to this!, with a water heater and have raised scales heated, filtered aquarium bettas, they prefer remain! Skilled enough to preform the procedures above sickness in betta fish, humans and other chemicals 5... Sometimes a small change in comfortable with having to do is produce more as... Is poor water quality and avoid overcrowding in the tank consider euthanizing the fish store he! Sooner or later the way to go rotten tailed shark became dull in color swollen. Providing them with better food and begin to eat it common cause of bloating in betta fish, humans other. Of fish have a voracious appetite and never ignore their food a change in can... And we dont want that their droppings or they may be dealing with a little once out of antiquated... Out that it actually works naturally to kill any external parasites betta eat! Water flow from your filter, you can investigate before you rush off and the scales out. And loss of appetite float to the tank its worth it early, dropsy can be something serious... Fussy betta take some tank water for 15 minutes first, and no pineconing, gradual! Sign that your fish 's eyeballs one last antibacterial effort, and he hated betta with dropsy not eating... Ammonia as it begins to go in, they only know one thing know if is. Just from constipation the temp to 80-82 degrees naturally to kill infections.Sorry for the help i do n't want to! Any issues a fish today that had bad dropsy seriously, its because! With no luck to 12 days be cured by aquarium salt baths medicines.