Notes: Character had been bitten in half by Father after leaving Ling's body, and while dying, reflected that friends like Ling and Ed, his friends, are all he really wanted. He is defeated by Hyoga's Aurora Thunder Attack and having been informed Athena is backing the Bronze Saints up, Babel wonders about Athena's cosmo embracing him. Hurry up and do something about this, quick! But Hiei reminds him to kill himself. Impossible! Ah! Note: Character taunts Meredy and frames Ultear for destroying Meredy's hometown, but Zeref awakes and kills him. Desperate, he yells this and pulls a curtain, caving the mansion in on himself. You haven't won. Note: The Chief will "bust open like a rotten piata". I don't believe it! I have to do something. Ugh! Her actual appearance was revealed to be possessed hair. But, how the hell did? I can't seem to analyze it! Elizabeth, you serpent! Sandalwood, jasmine and smoky cardamom evoke a sense of mystery and fluidity. Notes: The President of an unnamed country was colluding with Dr. Othello to sell resources such as gold and diamonds to other African countries. This is the only way, the honorable way. You're a little late, aren't you? The guild is your family. Guilty had killed Esmeralda in one of his blasts and provokes Ikki with these words. After narrowly escaping her, Hughes ran to a secluded phone booth and attempted to call Mustang, but was stopped by Envy, posing as Second Lieutenant Maria Ross. Stop! Note: Said this when he saw Yuya in a Jester costume. Ah! Source: "Tartaros Arc: The Celestial King vs. I do this for you. The second quote is said of what's left of the bike (its head) is flushed down a giant toilet wearing a cape, which Cosmo has a crippling fear of. Wiseman, however, mortally wounded him just as he got there, and he said one of the above lines per version before he died in his brother's arms. [Ep. Notes: During his and Seras's Mexican Standoff, Paul Wilson, and SAS operative shifts to a freak vampire form. His power completely stripped, Father was dragged back into the afterlife by Truth. This is prevented when Whis turns back time so Goku can finish off the evil tyrant. Note: As a ghost summoned by Tapu Fini's mist, said as he congrated her granddaughter Hopu for being the new Poni Island Kahuna accepted by Tapu Fini. It was most enjoyable. He adopted the identity of the Fuhrer's adopted son, Selim Bradley, to fool the populace. Don't hurt her. A dog for the church of England not even fit to call himself a vampire! Note: After being pierced by Goku, King Piccolo spits out one final egg which would also be named Piccolo, then explodes after bidding his son to succeed where he failed. Note: Character had just been impaled by Future Trunks' God Breaker and sent flying after trying to kill him (Trunks) with his (Trunks's) sword. Note: Character sacrifices herself to destroy Oktavia/witch-Sayaka. Remove yourself! Notes: Character says this after being blown apart by Vegeta. I am the mighty Club! As the tar solidifies on her, Nena speaking through her Stand begs this but Joseph reminds her Hermit Purple would hurt him as much as it would her. Without the Scepter of Domination, the world will be yours! Note: Character had the ability to manipulate time in exchange for aging backwards. Note: Character says this before being shot in the head by Fad. . Notes: Character says after being eaten whole by Lrrr after sparing Leela. His action's resulted in Geb clawing at Kakyoin's eyes and Avdol's neck injury. None of our jutsu's are having any effect! This can't be! "Death to the snail woman in the station wagon!"?! 415]. Notes: Character was mortally wounded by Selim Bradley/Pride, who stabbed him from behind with his shadow. Nooooo! Don't pull the plug! The prisoners are launched in rockets, then shot in the air. A righteous god defeated by a mortal? Source: "Tartaros Arc: Where Prayers Go" [Ep. He reflected upon his life as he lay dying, accepting that thanks to humanity, he had experienced a life worth living. Please, help me! Source: "Plus Est en Vous" (Season 3, Ep. Mercy! Source: "Weirdmageddon Part 1" [Season 2, Ep. Spray Perfume. 138]. [Ep. When Varian tries to get rid of the black rocks by pouring a chemical on them, it only causes amber to sprout up from the rocks and engulf his father Quirin within. Privacy Policy. 488]. I love how cold and focused your eyes are. He uses his Blood Rain to rain needles but only hits Shadow Clones. Shun then hits Dante with the Nebula Chain and knocks the Cerberus saint over the cliff, sending him falling to his death. Note: Character says this as Spike tosses a throwing knife in his left leg. No, it's too late. Note: A Chinese Federation Eunuch, under the Geass influence, Gao Hai tells Xingke that Zero will bring him happiness, but Xingke brands him a traitor and executes him. After the battle, she gives one last hug to Kon and says this while fading away. I had to stop wearing it at work because I had a customer straight up turn me away because he didn't like it I really like it though, I think its such a unique and refreshing scent. She speaks nothing of note after that but two months before Bucciarati and his team are asked to protect Trish, Donatella dies of illness in hospital. This is madness, Akahoshi! Dying from her injuries, she warns Sasame not to see the kind of monster Arashi had become. Note: After the interruption of Dethwater Live, General Crozier and Cardinal Ravenwood prepare a prayer to avoid devastation in their actions. However, we was willing to win no matter what. He's our last hope, and hope is what our people need. Notes: One of the Juppongatana, he goes to jail. I'm not even Ura Urashima! Not again! Similarly, Ermes's arms are cut off. I'm sorry, Brother. Notes: Sacrifice themselves to destroy Dick Hartley and free the Professor and the girls after turning against him. The second quote is said when Abbacchio, in the afterlife, recognizes his dead partner and realizes he is dead as well. Note: The top last words is his final word and the bottom is his final thoughts. I'm surrounded by all my friends, and I got to end my journeyin the arms of someone I love. To choose to join my people and my god! I belong to the Ginyu Force! Note: Character was finished off by Kgami. Notes: Character says before his wax head is tossed into a fireplace by Mabel. And on top of zat, they also promised me a pretty, nifty, Christmas bonus! Source: "Desperate Struggle with Aizen! Note: Said after he managed to commits suicide after learning everyone in his guild had died, except Kirito. Our Neon Moon Moods Perfume is a bold, gender-neutral aroma with enigmatic floral notes and grounding earth notes. HELP! Before he dies, Peggy Hill (his daughter-in-law) hopes he could live forever in the friendless, spiteful existence that he created for himself. Until that day, live in fear. Damn that child! Your foolish fan club has run off! Curses on you, queen! When Amy insulted her ("Wow! Soon after the gang confronts him and the President, Zenigata arrives, with the good intentions of protecting the president. It wasn't because you weren't human that I lost. Seeing his own blood and feeling the pain of the knife, he descended into a child-like tantrum and cries loudly for his mother before being crushed by the foot of a gigantic dog parade robot. Note: He attacks and attempts to kill Gaara, in order to prevent him from being the one to defeat Sasuke in the Chunin Exams, but Gaara kills him. Note: Said as he refused to accept his defeat, he was on top of the Giant Rock when it was attacked and destroyed by Core Enforcer used by Zygarde, and Lysandre fell into the explosion. As his remains was buried alive later on. Note: A Kager Village shinobi who wanted to bury the Hidden Leaf Village. This line is said while Nestor's mother is protecting him from the snowstorm which freezes her but Nestor is unharmed. 6]. Notes: A multimillionaire woman who is actually the head of the Cobra crime syndicate. Fighting Hinata, she uses Byakugan and Gentle Fist to disrupt the flow of chakra, turning him into a living magnet. The tide's comin' in! WellI'm afraid the sooty air of Central doesn't agree with mefarewell to you, my comradesI'll see you on the other sidesomewhere magnificenteven greater than the summit of Briggs Notes: Character had been fatally wounded by King Bradley before managing to help Fu with wounding the Fhrer. Sieg Sterben (German for "Died Victorious"), Who: Oskar Von Reuenthal (Neue Reich Fleet Admiral). He then disappears with General Crozier unconscious. The first line is from the English version, the second line is from the Japanese version and the third line is from the FUNimation dub of. But with guns we we were equals Notes: After demolishing a CIA toxic weapon facility, AX-3 is contracted to kill Golgo 13 to double his pay, but Golgo throws a knife fatally into his would be killer. Note: Spoken about Orochimaru after Gaara suggests that he is merely Orochimaru's pawn. After a evenly matched final battle, Jotaro manages to land a shattering punch to Dio's Stand, causing it to break apart and cause Dio to explode. 19.98 USD. Notes: Said this before getting all of his memory erased by sacrificing himself to save his family and the universe. Your eyes are different colors. You were used. I have no right to ask for forgiveness, I don't deserve it. Note: He attempts to attack Baki with Dance of the Crescent Moon, after hearing his plan to attack the Leaf village, but Baki kills him. The girls agree, and Townsville is now a peaceful and harmonic utopia. This page was last edited on 16 March 2023, at 23:14. I'll give you whatever you want! Goliath, listen. You see, there is no way you can defeat me, Groribas! [Ep. Note: The king of Valis, in a fight between him and his former friend Beld, Fahn says this as age hasn't changed his fighting. Tambourine then attempts to escape to warn his father, but Goku vaporizes him with a Kamehameha. Note: She uses the Last Age to sacrifice herself to save Gray, however, despite this is her last words, she isn't dead at all, but aged rapidly. Not a shred of evidence can be left behind. Master! He was killed by Celestia after the latter tell him to kill Kiyotaka. You have everything you need to be queen. Notes: Sailor Saturn was inside him about to sacrifice herself to destroy him. I beg of you! (Mean Pinkie Pie), Badger installation art. Notes: Said before they perform Patricks song and they died immediately due to Patricks song is so horrible that it killed them for out of no reason at all. OOOOH HO HO, I'M SO ALONE! Don't eat me! I can't imagine a world without my friends. NOOOOO! 3]. Note: Said after dying from his fight against Acnologia. I entrust the village to you now, Gaara. Note: He was tossed into the Maze of the Beast with the companions, causing him to go into a panic. It was all planned out from the beginning to get rid of you. Note: Having his former body destroyed by Jonathan, Dio attempts to steal Jonathan's body, but fails. Before dying, Corduroy cursed the entirety of the Northwest family, swearing to return 150 years later and exact vengeance upon them should they still refuse the citizens of Gravity Falls admittance to the party. I don't get that power until ten years from now! Source: Nestor, the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey. He tried to kill the protagonist, but slipped and fell into a deep tunnel. That is all impossible! [Josuke: Right there. [Lelouch: "Yeah that's right. Juvia will live on within you, Gray-sama. Note: Character says this when he locates a heat source on Fad's ship. Note: Attempts to strike Elena down with the Scepter of Night, but Elena uses her Scepter of Lights Vanish power to protect herself. Note: Character was killed by Kirito before he could harming Asuna. Much like the illuminating moon in its highest power, prepare to make a statement. If I leave Unit 00, the A.T. Field will cease to be. It's the. Notes: In a "What-If?" However, Jolyne still acts as a beacon for Pucci due to their psychic connection and to guarantee Emporio is safe, Jolyne cuts off her string. By now, the enemy is aware of my influence, so the way in which you deliver Trish is absolutely critical. She gets better. Maintain our speed! Keep an eye out for your exclusive offer! I don't believe it! Geoff reveals in a video that after taking the Drop of Shame, Blaineley failed to pull her parachute and crashed into a Chinese hut, resulting in her current condition. Hes getting worn out! Notes: Character was a serial killer whose soul was bound to a suit of armor, along with his brother. Shop for Amazing Niche and Luxury Fragrances at So Avant Garde and Use code \"BEAUTYMEOW15\" for 15% off Get AMAZING Discounts at Maxaroma! My Favorite Products on Amazon I designed and illustrated some cool stuff! Neon Moon (Perfume) is a perfume by Pacifica for women and men and was released in 2021. But Bruno makes Sticky Fingers extend it's arm to punch him. Notes: A small-town sheriff who is the true mastermind of the gangster-casino robbery, Walsh is cornered by Golgo 13 and fatally loses a duel against the assassin. But Kyle cuts Darwin off and bursts into rage, calling him a whiny crybaby, and brutally murders him to death with a creepy chainsaw, much to Gumball, Stan, and Cartman's horror, which leads to him being replaced with Pac-Man for the rest of Season 2. Notes - Delivery *Estimated delivery dates include seller's handling time, origin ZIP Code, destination ZIP Code and time of acceptance and . All right, then. 8]. Notes: King Piccolo's first son and his intelligent henchman. You can't! Notes: The assassin responsible for killing Piao, Xu Wan attempts to get Xin to spare him by telling him of his children. Ghim calls out to Leylia before dying. Why'd I sick around forthis long?" (Original Japanese) Zoisite! Source: "Into the Bunker" [Season 2, Ep. You. Brother [Japanese version], A man who inflicts suffering cannot rest. Originally it was implied that nobody outside of flashbacks died in the seris, but after Luffy successfully freed his brother, Ace sacrificed his life to protect Luffy after shielding him from Admiral Akainu's fist of magma. Team Gorenja, it was Momorenjya, Aorenjya and Akarenjya vs. Elder Toguro. 515]. Note: The former Brotherhood Acolyte who turned to serving Apocalypse. Ah! She was slaughtered by Makishima. After seemingly shooting Goku, he attempts to shoot Android 8 who had turned coat. Notes: The whale silver saint from New Zealand. The first line refers to a promise he made to her earlier, while the second line in the original English dub asks her not to forget him. I DON'T WANNA DIE!!! Perhaps the reason I lived these thousands of years was so that I could meet you at the end. Oh, help me! Notes: Character had taken the form of Ed and Al's deceased mother, but Ed, knowing that she was a homunculus, transmuted her body into ethanol, causing her to evaporate. Notes: Character owned Team Masho, and bribed the Tournament Committee on several occasions to rule against Yusuke's team to lessen their chances of victory. The Leaf Moving Service" [Ep. (Viz Media dub) Oh, Zoisite, help guide me to the world where your soul is in limbo! I can't believe I let Ling and the little runt talk to me that way. 340]. Yes! Notes: Character has just been effortlessly defeated by Future Trunks through his Heat Dome attack after he has returned to his timeline following Perfect Cell's destruction at the hands of Son Gohan. How can you fight after taking out your own eyes?! Note: As an Asian shopkeeper turned zombie, Wang Chan is attempting to get Dio's new body from Jonathan, after the latter destroyed Dio's body. Touche, human. Do you? Reanimated as a zombie puppet for Zell, she nearly kills Lupin, but is shot to her second death by Zenigata. This sea of blood covered in asheswe refer to this hell as the world. He tried to use the reigai clones to destroy the Soul Society. He shoots at the impostor, but he blows him up with a grenade. Inspired by a full moon in Ibiza, this is an explosion of scent. I know now that I was not wrong to yield the throne to you, my mistake was in not turning it over sooner. No! Thanks to all of you, my journey was filled with happiness. We're going to do this if it kills us. All I've ever wanted is for someone to say that I was good. Sunrise Moon by Pacifica is a Citrus Gourmand fragrance for women and men. $19.99. But that would mean that this trunk is locked from the inside! ESMERAUDE! And when you die, pass them both on to the next generation. No! When the Sagittarius Cloth joins with Seiya, Sirius says this in awe about how powerful Seiya is becoming. My power is gone! Fuu. As it occurred in a "Treehouse of Horror" segment, death is non-canon. Notes: A former KGB agent who wanted revenge on Golgo 13, Sorvino is shot by Golgo himself and laments on how his unafraid soldiers failed to hit his assassin. How the hell are you still alive?! Note: He, Asuma's former friend and comrade in the Twelve Ninja Guardians, had attempted to destroy Konoha in order to establish the feudal lord as the "king" of the Fire Country, but Asuma defeated and mortally wounded him. The second set are his last thoughts thinking Bucciarati and Giorno's team will have no hope of defeating the Boss. I won't letanybody defile my brides! Is a bold, gender-neutral aroma with enigmatic floral notes and grounding earth.... Ikki with these words thousands of years was so that I lost Clones to destroy Dick Hartley free... The Village to you now, the A.T. Field will cease to be hair! Said this before getting all of his blasts and provokes Ikki with these.! Was inside him about to Sacrifice herself to destroy Dick Hartley and free Professor. 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